ACC seeks new panel members

What panel will the new members be a part of?

ACC seeks new panel members

Insurance News


The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)’s Sexual Violence Customer Advisory Panel has announced they are open to receive applications to become a member of the panel. In a press release, ACC said the “Sexual Violence Customer Advisory Panel connects ACC to the voices and needs of survivors of sexual violence and those who support them on their journey.

“Together, they provide strategic, experiential, and technical advice to challenge, support, and enable ACC to strengthen prevention, equity, and services to improve outcomes for survivors and whānau now, and in the future.”

The following are the qualifications ACC is seeking in a panel member:

  • Is passionate about prevention of and response to sexual violence in Aotearoa.
  • Has experience working with, or alongside, survivors of sexual violence, iwi, hapū and whānau.
  • Has a sound understanding of the sexual violence sector.
  • Has a sound understanding of the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims.
  • Demonstrates the ability to share a variety of views, concerns, and feedback of others, including those of clients, providers, and suppliers of ACC’s services.
  • Has the confidence to actively join in helpful and open dialogue in a group setting.

“Panellists will also be selected to reflect cultural, age, gender, and geographic diversity, with intentional recruitment of members who represent Tangata Whenua, Pasifika, rainbow and takatāpui, and disabled communities,” the press release said.

The panel will include up to 11 people and will meet on a regular basis for programmes and strategic initiatives.

See the press release here for more information.

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